April 2023
6 month old child – Weight 6.9 kg – Presented with fever for 8 days – Not responding to Antibiotics.
Clinical examination was unremarkable except for red, cracked lips, erythema of tongue and buccal mucosa. Lab work up showed neutrophilic leukocytosis, some rise in platelets (5.1), highCRP ( 96).
Echo revealed Giant saccular aneurysms of LMCA , LAD with a thrombus in LMCA. RCA also had a fusiform aneurysm proximally.

March 2023
Presented by:
Dr. Rajat Subhra Ghose
Aortic dissection of a grossly dilated ascending aorta (Stanford type A) in a 32 year old male patient with Marfan Syndrome who presented with heart failure.
Seen in the images :
- A dissection flap in the ascending aorta compromising the right coronary flow
- A moderate to severe aortic regurgitation due to coaptation failure of aortic cusps
- dilated left ventricle with severe LV dysfunction and inferior segment akinesia